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Deep Dive: Is Cannabis a Cure?

Updated: Mar 6, 2023

This Deep Dive serves as a review of what the cannabis and hemp industries' most experienced thought leaders think about the topic of cannabis as a cure. This article is a living document that is updated regularly based on the release of new research on this topic.


Does cannabis cure? Is medical marijuana a miracle?

Some anecdotal testimonies argue that cannabis medicine is a literal cure for a variety of disease states, often referencing cancer specifically. Leading medical authorities, however, typically cringe at such claims, justifying their opposition to the use of words such as "miracle" and "cure" based on the hard science.

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The cannabis genome produces 100+ cannabinoids, 150+ terpenes, and 20 flavonoids.

These phytomolecules interact with the human endocannabinoid system (ECS) to produce wellness.

But it gets complex. Biphasic response curves, biosynthetic pathways, and acidic precursors all commingle. Subscribe to learn how. 

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