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Welcome to the Cannabis for Anxiety Seminar

Welcome to the master page for the Cannabis for Anxiety Seminar at Higher Learning LV. This seminar provides students with a deep dive into the topic of the potential efficacy of cannabis and its constituent chemical compounds (primarily cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids) for one of the most common modern medical conditions, anxiety.

Cannabis for Anxiety includes a dozen homework assignments that are crafted from exclusive study summaries based on only the most recent peer-reviewed research studies as published in reputable medical and scientific journals.

Pathway to Core Cannabis Course

For students wanting a more detailed examination of the potential medicinal efficacy of cannabis or those seeking certification, Higher Learning LV's Core Cannabis course is comprised of 34 homework assignments and is the prerequisite for our forthcoming Cannabis Foundation course that qualifies students for our Cannabis Foundation Certificate Exam.


Homework Assignments

The following 12 homework assignments total more than 17,600 words, the equivalent of about a 40-page book. The speed at which different students complete homework assignments is extremely variable, so we do not feature time estimates for our seminars.

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