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Blazy Suzan: Rolling with Brains & Beauty

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

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This review is featured in the Higher Learning LV 2023 Gift Guide.

Welcome to the Lifestyle series at Higher Learning LV. In this series, we take a more relaxed approach to the kind herb. This chill tone manifests as product reviews and opinion pieces that go beyond our traditional research-based series like Study Summaries and Deep Dive.

Our Review Policy

Product and company reviews in this series are performed with a sincere interest and strive to maintain full transparency. This is not a pay-to-play or promotional scenario involving clients who pay Higher Learning LV a fee to write about them and say positive things (a common mechanism in many industries, including cannabis).

Product and company reviews in this series are performed with a sincere interest and strive to maintain full transparency.

Instead, we obtain actual product samples directly from vendors and feature our own photography to illustrate our real world use of these products. Our review is biased in no way other than our receipt of product samples because we must gather hands-on experience to provide a solid description of a product that truly advocates for consumers and embraces value and quality.

Pink Papers + Wood Rolling Trays

Blazy Susan is a small company from Denver, Colorado with a great line of products intended for cannabis and hemp smokers and dabbers. The entire brand identity screams smart + relaxed + fun to a wide range of consumer categories and lifestyle preferences.

One of the company's trademark products is a line of pink pre-rolled cones ranging from 53mm Shortys to the beefy King size. The company also offers standard old school rolling papers in its signature pink. Unbleached versions of all models are also available.

While the appeal of its unique pink cones is hard to dismiss, the real centerpiece in the company's catalog of colorful smoking accessories is its wood rolling trays and dab trays.

The company offers a range of circular rolling trays that are made in Colorado and all of which spin (thus the excellent name pun) and are available in a variety of wood types, including birch, cherry, unfinished, and walnut. In addition, black and pink models can be had. The colors of the silicon slap insert and dab pad can be customized by the customer. Prices range from $79.99* for the unfinished version to $144.99 for the sleek walnut edition.

The company offers a range of circular rolling trays, all of which spin (thus the excellent name pun) and are available in a variety of wood types, including birch, cherry, unfinished, and walnut.

This whimsical up-and-coming American toker brand also offers rolling trays that do not spin and that feature a rectangular form factor. Everyone's coffee table, kitchen island, or bedroom nightstand features a different footprint of available space. Blazy Susan's extensive line of wood, metal, and even hemp rolling trays allows customers to best utilize their space to create a conducive, organized, and highly personalized consumption environment.

Dabber's Friend

Blazy Susan offers a robust line of dabbing accessories, including tools, tool holders, and mats, as well as storage and cleaning solutions. But the really sexy part of the company's dabbing line is the beautiful dab trays that are available in birch, cherry (featured below), walnut, and black.

Think of these dab trays as non-spinning rectangular versions of the company's famous Blazy Susan Spinning Rolling Tray. They offer a conveniently removed and cleaned dab mat that's also easy on the eyes, featuring Blazy Susan's artsy toking waitress logo.

We especially love the company's affordable $9.99 Silicon Dab Station™, available in nine attractive and snappy colors (including our favorite, green). This practical tool bin can quickly become a dabber's best friend in terms of corralling essential tools in an easily cleanable and attractive form factor that consumes little space. The days of a sticky surface marred by dab tools are over!

The Silicon Dab Station™ is really the hidden gem in the Blazy Susan product catalog, in our humble opinion. It wins big points for practicality, keeping things organized, and being barely more expensive than a fast food cheeseburger.

Think of these dab trays as non-spinning rectangular versions of the company's famous Blazy Susan Spinning Rolling Tray.

The dab trays also function nicely for smokers who may not prefer the circular spinning format of the original Blazy Susan models. In our opinion, dabbers and smokers alike can use both the dab trays and traditional Blazy Susan spinning models with equal benefit and satisfaction. It really comes down the bottom line: To spin or not to spin; that is the question.

Check for Yourself

Here at Higher Learning LV, we're very picky about where we put our name. We're happy to recommend Blazy Susan's entire catalog of fine smoking and dabbing accessories. Their products all deliver to their customers our two requirements: Value and quality.

This rising star from Colorado brings a bit of class to the cannabis culture with attractive woods and unique colors like black and pink. Plus, if sharing pink joints at your next IRL (In Real Life) sesh doesn't make you the coolest kid in the room, we're not sure what will.

Consumers can purchase directly from the Blazy Susan website. Here at Higher Learning LV, we've come to covet our Blazy Susan accessories, including our beautiful cherry dab tray (a reasonable $49.99) and pink King size cones. Both are daily drivers around here.

* All prices USD.

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