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Core Cannabis Course: CBCA

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

Welcome to homework assignment CCC 1.1 of the Core Cannabis Course from Higher Learning LV. This assignment teaches students about the acidic precursor CBCA, a minor cannabinoid discovered in 1968. Under the right environmental conditions, it morphs into the major neutral cannabinoid CBC. Peer-reviewed research studies have revealed that CBCA exhibits antibacterial and anti-convulsant properties.

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Two Types of Cannabinoids

There are two categories of cannabinoids: Phytocannabinoids and endocannabinoids. Phytocannabinoids are those produced by cannabis/marijuana/hemp, while endocannabinoids are made by the human body.

This series covers both. CBCA is a phytocannabinoid.

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Did You Know?

The cannabis genome produces 100+ cannabinoids, 150+ terpenes, and 20 flavonoids.

These phytomolecules interact with the human endocannabinoid system (ECS) to produce wellness.

But it gets complex. Biphasic response curves, biosynthetic pathways, and acidic precursors all commingle. Subscribe to learn how. 

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